Inner Toddler Mom Work
Being a toddler-mom is like having your emotional triggers tested every day. You feel like someone is ripping a band-aid off and revealing all of your old wounds. Every day is a mental bootcamp of re-examining your habits and reactions, since my son is like a mirror showing me what works and does not work for communication. I am also learningnmore a bout toddler speak and reverse psychology techniques especially since my little one thinks most days are opposite day.
Affirmations I am currently working on are: I choose to free myself from all patterns that no longer serve me or my family. I release all thought patterns. I nourish myself so I can nourish others. I set healthy set boundaries. I speak my truth.
I learn that I get to be my own mother and nurture myself in ways that may have felt imbalanced during my childhood. I let go of all feelings of unworthiness of love and care.
I reflect / meditate on, “What kind of mother do I want to be?”
By playing with my son, I give myself the opportunity of re-writing my childhood. Creating a Montessori inspired home environment with open ended toys, teaching daily hygiene / life skills, and self-governance / self-agency minimizes a lot of fustrations. Grounding in nature and slowing down to my toddler's pace helps create ease in our daily routine too.
I also like creating community with other moms. We all can support one another whether it is through virtual chats, walks, coffee / tea brunch breaks, play dates, and / or child care exchange. Feel free to reach out and let me know if you'd like to be a part of
my self-care / community-care network by messaging me @lilyscollective.